Wednesday 11 February 2015

It's A Scam

   When I opened my work email this morning, I noticed something purportedly from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. It was addressed to me, but did not have the above logo anywhere in the email.
   This is what it said:

Dear customer,

For your protection, you must verify this activity
before you can continue using your account.
We will review the activity on your account with you
and upon verification,and we will remove any
restrictions placed on your account.

Activate your account now

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no
choice but to temporary suspend your account.

Yours sincerely,
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Security Departament

   There's just one big problem. I don't even have an account with CIBC. And if I did, the bank would've informed me some other official way. Also, whoever tried this scam can't spell. Department is NOT spelled departament.
   Needless to say, I did not fall for this scam, nor did I click on the link to follow it. Nor would I had this been from the bank I deal with.
   Nice try, though.


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