Monday 9 February 2015

A Lot Of People Feel This Way

   Including folks in our area. We don't have any watches or warnings yet, but our immediate area could get anywhere up to 16 cm of snow tonight and into tomorrow morning. And while that is, for us, a somewhat considerable amount, you have to feel for the folks living on both coasts.
   I've got a relative living outside Halifax, and he says the recent storms they've had have dumped 85 cm in his area, and 120 in other parts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the other Maritime provinces. And even that pales compared to Boston, where the equivalent of almost 6 feet has fallen.
   And even that's nothing compared to Kitimat, B.C, where 166 cm has fallen.
   I guess we shouldn't complain, although I know my back sure will shoveling it.


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