Tuesday 24 February 2015

I Hate Being Sick

   But I was this weekend. And even today, while I'm 100% better than I was, I'm still not 100%. It started last Thursday with a sore throat, which got worse Friday. By Saturday, I knew I was going to get hit with a cold. Sunday I had no voice, and had to call the boss to let him know Monday was out of the question.
   How sick was I? So sick, I couldn't taste Buckley's. That's sick.
   And getting a 2nd cold in a calendar year is a bit of an anomaly for me. I normally get hit once a year, and it's usually a doozie. So, to come down with a cold just 3 months later is unusual for me, to say the least.
   Maybe this means I won't get sick again until 2017. Right. Anyway, I'm feeling much better, and am "back in the saddle" again.


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