Thursday 26 February 2015

A Canadian Icon Is Getting A Makeover

   Yep! Smarties, those candy-coated chocolate pieces loved by many, is going on a diet of sorts. Nestle Canada is changing up the package starting next month, and downsizing as well. Gone will be king-size boxes, and the regular ones will also be re-vamped to parcel out the candies in what the company is calling "healthier portions".
   Each new pack will be smaller, and divided into 3 containers, with 15 candies each. That adds up to 70 calories, and 11 grams of sugar. 11 grams doesn't sound like much, until you realize that's the same as 3 sugar cubes.
   Bags of Smarties are also being replaced with canisters, with a lid that doubles as a 15 candy measuring cup. There's no word on whether or not the price will be lowered to reflect the smaller portions, but most likely not
   It's no secret I've kicked the late night snack habit, and have foresworn things like Smarties, M and M peanuts and Bit's 'n Bites as I try and eat healthier. But if I want to have 16 Smarties, or 20 or even 32, then I'm going to have them. New packaging or measuring cup aside.
   And for the record, when I eat my Smarties, I eat the red ones first.


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