Tuesday 26 January 2021

It Could Have Been Worse

    My wife called me about 7:30 or so this morning to let me know the hot water tank in the basement failed. Not the news I wanted to hear less than half-way through my shift. I'm pretty much the only person in the newsroom for at least half my day, and can't leave. She says she heard a mechanical, grinding noise from the basement about 7:15, and when she checked, find it had failed. The plumber was there within 15 minutes, and had a new tank installed and connected by 9:00.

   That's all bad news. The good news is we have yet to develop the basement, meaning there were very few items down there. A couple of old carpets, a couch, my wife's flower pots and the cat pans. The carpets soaked up a lot of the water, and they'll need to be disposed of. I'm also going to get a wet-dry vacuum on the way home to get the water out of the rugs first. It's also a good idea to have one in the house anyway. She says the plumber managed to get a lot of the water down the floor drain, so there shouldn't be much damage. She'll also take a bucket of bleach water down and give the whole area a good sanitizing to try and keep any mold down.

   As for what it's going to cost: I have no idea. But I'll gladly pay it. Part of the joy of home ownership.


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