Thursday 14 January 2021

An Old Fashioned Prairie Blizzard

    You should hear the noise in our newsroom this morning! We're on the top floor of our building, and wind gusts to 80 km/h due to the blizzard are swirling around things like the air conditioning units and whatever else is up there. At times it almost sounds like a train horn blowing. We're not expecting much for snow from the Alberta Clipper rushing into Manitoba, but what there is is being blown around by that wind.

   As mentioned, we've had gusts of 80 km/h, but Regina recorded a gust of 126. And south of the provincial Capital, it was 144. Due to this, there are plenty of highway closures, mostly in central parts of our province, and central west parts of Manitoba. Schools in both provinces in our broadcast area have cancelled bus services for the day.

   I spoke with one of our weather gurus who says the snow will end by mid-morning, but the wind will continue howling until after midnight. I just hope my garbage can is still upright, and hasn't blown down the street by the time I get home.


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