Tuesday 12 January 2021

Battening Down The Hatches

    It could get very breezy around my part of the world in the next couple of days. A weather system, known as an "Alberta Clipper" due to it's rapid movement, is poised to roar over us in the next 48 hours. The wind is going to be the worst part of it, with gusts up to 80 km/h likely. Some areas could get gusts of 100 km/h.

   If that's not bad enough, we could see rain showers, freezing rain, and the potential of up to 10 cm of snow as well. Despite this, we can't complain. It is January, after all, and there are still months left in winter. Also, aside from one storm ion December, we really haven't had that bad a winter. It's been milder than usual, and we haven't had much in the way of snow. Still, I'll be happy when this season is over.


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