Friday 15 January 2021

Blizzard Over

    And now the clean-up is underway. I don't know how much snow we actually got, but it wasn't very much. As mentioned in yesterday's post, the wind was the big problem. But it had an unexpected benefit as well.

   I'm saying this ironically, because I'm totally out of shape, but the blizzard did result in me getting an unexpected 20 minute workout session yesterday. Some intense cardio, worked on the core and arms, and even got some leg reps in as well. The biggest benefit was I got my 2 parking stalls and sidewalk shoveled out!

   I also expect I'll have another, albeit shorter, session when I get home today. And I must get hold of our property manager to have him get our street cleared. On my way in this morning, I noticed someone's van got stuck a little further down from where I live. C'mon property manager, do your job!


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