Friday 27 March 2020

Got Lucky

   And it's thanks to my friend and morning show host Danny Ismond. This Monday, he mentioned he was having his tires switched over from winter to 3-season radials, and suggested I may want to do the same. I called the place I have mine stored at, and they said "yes, but since we're not sure how long well be open, come in at 1:00". I did, and was told, due to the pandemic, I had to drop off the key, leave, and they'd call when it was done. They did, and I paid up, and went on my merry way.
   They do require that within a certain amount of mileage, you need to come back to have the lug-nuts tightened. As I drove up to have that done, I heard a service tech tell another customer that due to stricter regulations, they were only taking emergency calls like tire repairs, until further notice.
   Had Danny not suggested I do the switch when I did, I, like an awful lot of people, would be driving on my winter skins for who knows how long.


Thursday 26 March 2020

Still Here

   And still very busy due to the pandemic. So far (touch wood) neither my wife (who's in retail), our son (now working from home), or myself (continuing at the office) have been sickened. Both my wife and I have been practicing, as best as possible, good hand sanitation, as I'm sure a lot of you are aes well.
   Yesterday though, I may have gone a little too far. I usually wash/sanitize at work at least 6 times, including using wipes to clean the phone, keyboard, mouse and audio mixer board both at my work station, and in the booth where I actually read the news.
   If I need to pick up a few essentials, I wipe the shopping cart down, grab the groceries, pay for them, then wipe a 2nd time as I'm leaving the store. When I get home, I dump everything on our island, wash my hands again, put everything away, and wash again.
   Normally that would be enough, but yesterday I got a package of much needed shaving supplies I ordered on-line delivered. Dealing with the shipping package and the contents added up to another 3 wash/sanitize cycles. Plus, a good disinfection of the island.
   I know by this point it may seem like I've gone a little OCD, but I haven't. Nor am I turning into a germophobe. I'm just taking precautions.
   Stay safe, make sure you wash your hands and practice social-distancing.


Tuesday 17 March 2020

Sorry, It's Been A While

   It has been ages since I posted something here, for which I apologize. The main reason you haven't seen much on this forum is down to the COVID-19 (or coronavirus). No, I have not, at least yet, been struck by it and have not had to self isolate, but the influx of stories on the pandemic has meant I've been very busy at work, which is where I blog from.
   And it's been getting steadily busier as time goes on, with more cases, more cancellations and more suspensions. It will level off, eventually, but if you don't see much from me here, you'll at least know why.
   Like millions of others, I have been practicing good hand sanitation, cough etiquette and social distancing. I've also (when able) been wiping down shopping cart handles with disinfectant provided at stores I frequent before using. Does all this mean I won't catch the bug? Almost certainly not. But it gives me a good chance at dodging it for now. Primarily, because there are no cases in my community. That will change as time goes on. If sick, I will self-isolate as required by my company.
   Remember, the best defense against the virus is you, and washing your hands frequently is the best way to at least slow it's spread.


Saturday 7 March 2020

Time Change Weekend

   And it means people in most jurisdictions will lose an hours sleep when they set their clocks ahead an hour before going to bed tonight. It's the start of Daylight Saving Time, except in Saskatchewan and a few other places, where we don't make the seasonal adjustment.
   It's also the final time residents in Yukon will change their time, after the government decided to remain on DST year-round.
   And they could be joined by British Columbia, as that provincial government is also pondering scrapping the semi-annual time change.
   I've said many times in the past, I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. Never have been. While I did like getting an extra hour of sleep in the fall, I always hated losing  that hour in  the spring. And, honestly, with the hours I keep,  I really don't need the extra 60 minutes of daylight in the evenings. In fact, it tends to keep me awake when I need my sleep.
   Yes, I'm working this Saturday after drawing the short straw.


Tuesday 3 March 2020

It Was Time.

   The last time I shaved was October 2nd. Up to yesterday, I let the beard grow, ending up with this
   But, it was time to "take it off", since it was starting to get annoying and, I'll be honest, it was too long and scraggly. So, out came the beard trimmer to get rid of 5 months growth.
   It wasn't an easy task,  to say the least. The length guide broke as I was trying to shorten it (I should've used some scissors to cut it back first), meaning I ended up having to use the bare clippers. Which hurt. Not only due to the excess growth, but the thing actually ended up pulling some of the hair out. Ouch.
   The upshot of the whole exercise was two-fold. First, I'll need to get a new trimmer in the off-chance I grow the facial sweater out again next fall. The second was this:
   I do look a little younger without the fungus. As for the cookie-duster: That's staying. And I'll have to find my mustache wax again to try and tame it.
   I guess I got a bit of a jump on "spring cleaning".