Thursday 20 June 2019

Throwback Thursday

   As regular viewers will know, I've been going through some of my fathers old slides, scanning them into my home system. Some of then go back more than 50 years, as hard as that is to believe. I already posted one a few blogs ago (see I Admit It), with me draped over a Norton 750.
   This time, we take a trip back to about 1974-75 for this one
   Yup! That's me with the shoulder-length hair. It was a thing "back in the day", and I had it long for a couple of years. Needless to say, I got a good 95% chopped off when I started seriously looking for work.
   Flash forward to 2017, when this beauty was taken
   Yup! That's me with the shoulder-length hair. Again. Quite a bit of difference, isn't there! Why did I grow it out again? No real reason, other than the fact that I could. And I have to give kudos to my employer for not lowering the boom, and telling me to get my ears lowered. The long, flowing locks have since been chopped off, and no, I won't be growing it out again.
   And don't worry. I'm not going to make a habit of posting scans of dad's old slides. Nor will I be doing many more T.B.T's.


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