Tuesday 11 June 2019

I Admit It

   I'll admit I'm a bit of a poser
   That's me lounging on a 1970-something Norton 750 "back in the day". Problem is, the bike was a friends, not mine. Not that I couldn't ride a motorcycle back then, I could, and did quite often, but I was never allowed to have one of my own.
   Not that I didn't ask. But the request was met with a stare from my dad that said "did you really ask me that?" Followed by the answer "NO". Not sensing the dangerous waters I was now sailing in (we usually didn't contradict dad), I asked "why"? A stern stare followed, along with the answer "because I said so, that's why". Then, I crossed the line by saying "that's not a reason", which was met with "it's all the reason YOU need". And an even sterner stare. Not that dad was an ogre, just strict in his up-bringing.
   Which brings me back to the Norton. My friend said "hop on", which I did, and he took this shot, and another of me actually behind the handlebars. If that makes me a poser, so be it. (The picture, by the way, was among the slides I've been going through this past week.)
  Do I still want to get a motorcycle? Not really. We have no garage, meaning no place to keep it off the street. And then there's the cost of buying and insuring one. So no. I'll stay with 4 wheels for now. But if someone was giving one away.....


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