Monday 10 June 2019


   It was a relaxing 2 weeks off, but I'm now back and rarin' to go! We didn't do much on our vacation this year. Just a couple of trips to Regina to 1): get my wife's flowers and plants for her garden, and 2): to get my hearing aid cleaned and adjusted.
   About the only thing I did manage to get done was to screen and start scanning into my computer several of the literally hundreds of slides my dad took many, many years ago. Me sister had them, and gave them to me 4 years ago, when I had to go to Calgary for an old friends funeral. They'd been sitting in my mess...home office..ever since, and I decided WTH, and started plouging through them.
   At least 3 circular trays (holding 100 each) were from my folks trip to England and France in 1984, 40 years after dad went into France during the war. I have yet to go through those. I did make a dent in 3 other trays, and several other sets, during my time off. And what a treasure trove they turned out to be!
   Dad had stuff going all the way back to 1968. Will I be sharing a few select ones on this forum? Unfortunately for you, yes. But that's for another time and another post. For now, it's good to be back!


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