Thursday 27 June 2019

A Great Gag

   As regular viewers will know, GX94 morning guru Danny Ismond and myself have a regular daily chat. We generally try and keep it on the lighter side. Today was no exception. I told Danny about a guy who had just bought one of these
   A $450 thousand 2019 McLaren 600 LT Supercar, and was taking it out for an inaugural run to celebrate. The joyride lasted all of 10 minutes. He left the dealership, and got nailed for doing 161 km/h in a 90 zone. The car was towed and impounded for 7 days, and the lead-footed driver was dinged $370.
   I also explained to Danny the time I got pulled over for speeding. I was driving dad's 1963 VW Beetle
   And was pulled over in a 50 km/h residential area. The cop asked if I realized I was doing 70 km/h, to which I replied "Impossible. This car won't run for an hour". Okay, that wasn't really true, but it made for a good gag
   Upcoming is the Canada Day long weekend, meaning I'll be out of the office July 1st. If I don't post anything tomorrow, I'll be back on the 2nd.


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