Thursday 13 June 2019

Hockey Is Finally Over

   I'll say here and now, I'm not a fan of hockey. I can't remember the last time I say down to watch an entire game, or even part of one for that matter. So why am I wasting my time writing this, and your time reading it? Because the St. Louis Blues
   Have won their first ever Stanley Cup championship. The city got the franchise in the first expansion of the NHL, when the league went from 6 teams to 12. That was back in 1967 (ironically, the last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Cup). They beat Boston 4-1 in the 7th and deciding game.
   Having trotted out those statistics, why am I not a fan? Because, as I've said in the past, I feel the season is was too long. The first regular season game in 2018-19 was October 3rd. The cup was decided June 12th. That means if a woman got pregnant at the start of the season, she'd be just 2 weeks premature if she'd delivered the baby last night. If you factor in the pre-season, which started September 18th, she definitely would have given birth
   I can think of only one professional sport that drags on longer. English Premier League Football (which, ironically, I am a fan of). Their season starts August 9th, and wraps up next May 17th, meaning a woman's due date is May 1st. For comparison, baseball started March 20th, and could end as late as October 30th, just over 7 months. The NFL regular season starts September 5th, with the Superbowl February 2nd, 6 months.
   Regardless, congratulations to the Blues on their 1st ever NHL crown.


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