Monday 29 April 2019


   I don't know what I did, or how I did it, but one my knees (leftie) has been giving me hell the past 2 days. It was fine Saturday, but Sunday it started to ache. By the time I went to bed, it was all I could do to make it up the stairs. and back down again to head in to the office.
   And then there was trying to sleep. Not only does my knee hurt, but I'm also afflicted with restless leg syndrome. That's where my leg twitches uncontrollably. And as luck would have it, my left is worse than the right. Which made every twitch painful, to say the least.
   Not that I haven't had problems with my left knee in the past (or the right one, for that matter). Way back in Junior High School in Calgary, my left knee was hit by a guy on a motorcycle. Not very fast, but enough to cause some damage. Which has apparently now decided to show up again.
   If things don't straighten out soon, I may have to do the thing I don't like doing: Go to my local sawbones and get it checked out.


Saturday 27 April 2019


   The goatee I've had for almost 6 years was once again looking a little shaggy, so I decided to give it a trim yesterday. Got the beard trimmer out, and started going to work,shortening several weeks of extra growth.
   The length guide got clogged with the excess hair, so I took it off and cleaned it. But when I put it back on, I guess I didn't seat it right. On the every next pass, the guide fell off, and the clipper took a big strip out of the goatee, leaving me with no option but to "take it all off". Well, almost all. I haven't been fully bare-faced in something like 5 1/2 years.
   I think I may keep the goatee/beard off for a while. But not the 'stash. In fact, I'm going to start looking for moustache wax.


Thursday 18 April 2019

Happy Easter!

   This Sunday is Easter, and if it seems like it's late this year, it is. Easter is the first full moon after the spring equinox, pegged as March 21st, according to ecclesiastical rules. The first full moon after the equinox this year is April 21st.
   That's not the latest Easter can be, but only by a few days. The latest date it can fall on is April 25th, which won't happen again until 2038. Conversely, the earliest possible date is March 22nd, which won't happen until 2285. Those are according to the Gregorian Calendar, by the way.
   It's also a long weekend, since Good Friday is tomorrow, and I'm more than ready for a mini-holiday.
   Happy Easter!


Tuesday 16 April 2019

An Enormous Tragedy

   As you probably know, the 850 year old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was heavily damaged by fire Monday evening. The spire toppled, and much of the roof collapsed. Firefighters were able to save both the stone towers that flanked the entrance to the structure. At this point, the cause isn't known, but Paris officials believe it was accidental, and not arson or an act of terror, as the building was undergoing renovation at the time.
   Several historic and religious items were saved, but sadly many are sure to have been lost. France's president vows the cathedral will be rebuilt, and already money is being collected for that purpose. Fashion house LVHM has reportedly committed more than $200 million, and financial offers have already been made by the government of Australia, while other support has been pledged by Japan and South Korea.
   While the cathedral can be restored and rebuilt, the art and other treasures consumed by the flames will be lost for eternity. The fire wasn't just a loss for the Catholic Church or Paris of even France. It's a loss for all of us, religious or not.


Tuesday 9 April 2019

I Tried It

   I've been known to bring in some off-beat foods to work from time to time. Maybe not off-beat to most of you, but certainly to some here at the radio station.The latest was bringing in kimchi for our mid-day host Tonya Cherry. Which she tried. And told me she liked.
   Well, today was my, and a lot of other announcers turns, for her to try something on. That something was sardines on toast. I've had sardines in the past, and don't mind them too much. However, Tonya went a few steps above simply serving them on toast. She topped them with onions, and creme of mushroom soup. I tried it, and will admit it wasn't all that bad. Would I have it again? No. Emphatically, no!
   Still, I did better than my morning host Danny Ismond, who refused to try it at all. But then, Danny also didn't like sushi (although he does a little more now), or kimchi. I just wonder what culinary concoction we'll be subject to next.


Thursday 4 April 2019

My Car Is A Star

   Who knew? My little 2012 Mitsubishi Lancer has, not for the first time, become a headlining act on our radio station's Facebook page. GX94 morning announcer Danny Ismond snapped that picture this morning, and posted it, stating we'd had some rain/snow overnight, and asking listeners if they thought we needed more precipitation.
   As mentioned, this isn't the first time my ride has been used by Danny on our pages, and frankly, I'm OK with it. But why mine? Why not someone else's vehicle? Why not his own? The answer is simple. I'm the first of the morning team to arrive every day, and usually have the first vehicle in the lot to boot.
   Sure, there are usually other cars, trucks or SUV's in the lot, but he picks mine. Which I have absolutely no problem with.I'd better not, since I've posted more than 1 picture of it both on Facebook and this platform myself.
   At least he hasn't posted one showing my license plate.


Wednesday 3 April 2019

She's Certainly Growing Fast

   Our little girl "Minerva" isn't so little anymore. We got her in January, as regular viewers will know, to fill a void in the household. Mini, as we've shortened her name to, remains a bit of a demon, attacking our other 2 cats, plus our feet, legs and almost anything else she can get her claws and teeth into. Because of that, she remains segregated in my wife's home office at night, and unfortunately will remain so until her rambunctiousness subsides.
   But she's definitely growing into adulthood. She should. She eats enough. Not only her rations of cat food (and then some), but just about anything else as well. My wife, for example, used to have a piece of toast or 2 for breakfast. Mini grabs it right out of her hand, and starts munching it down. It's the same when my wife makes her sandwich for work. She'll literally grab the meat right out of it.
   Mini's due to be spayed in a month or so when she's 6 months old, and we're hoping that may tame her wild-side a bit. We hope so, 'cause we'd like to let her enjoy sleeping on the bed with us and the other 2 cats at night.
   Time will tell.