Friday 29 March 2019

Goodbye March

   As of this posting, there are still 2 days left in March, but judging from the forecast I'm getting, the month will go out rather lamb-ish, rather than like a lion. Which is how it came in, at least temperature-wise.
   At the start of March, we were looking at daytime highs of -18 Celsius, but we also got up to +12 later in the month.
   And we were also spared the nearly traditional snowstorm at the start of the month, which usually brings a lot of misery with it. Not to say we didn't get the odd snow-shower. We got some snow earlier this week, right after I had my winter tires taken off, and the 3-seasons put on. And it even snowed a bit this morning.
   April can also be a bear of a month, with snow an almost foregone conclusion at some point or other. But at least with April, the days get longer and it gets warmer


Tuesday 26 March 2019


   Yesterday I blogged about the fact I was switching my tires over, and (half jokingly) admitted that we'd get some snow because I did. We didn't get much, but it was a bit of a nasty surprise to walk out of the house this morning and see this.
   It was only a skiff, and it won't last long (today's high is 10 C), but it should be a reminder to me to not make jokes about the weather. I mean, we DO live in Saskatchewan where, if you don't like the weather, wait an hour. It'll likely change.


Monday 25 March 2019

Today I Re-Tire

   The car. I'm having the winter tires taken off, and my 3-season radials put on. It's not a very good joke, I admit. But I've gotten quite the reaction a couple of times when I post that I'm re-tiring.
   Am I doing the switch too early? Quite possibly. But we've had temperatures nearing 12 Celsius in the past week, and that's not good for the rubber compound on the winter skins. And wouldn't you know it? It's supposed to snow tonight. Not a lot, and it won't be around that long, either. But enough to make me rethink (briefly) having it done today. However, we're not going to get much, and it will warm up again. Plus, the radials are good to about -7, and it looks like this morning was the coldest forecast for the week at -10 when I got in.
   But if I post tomorrow about the 5 inches of snow we unexpectedly got, you'll know who to blame!


Wednesday 20 March 2019


   Spring officially arrives/arrived today, and I for one am more than ready. The vernal equinox, when the sun crosses the equator, will be/was at 15:58 where I live. Meaning the days will get longer. Until September and the Autumnal equinox. It seems to me, and a lot of others, that this past winter was especially brutal. True, we didn't get many major snowstorms, although I've still got quite an accumulation of snow in my front yard. But it was brutally cold this year. In fact, it seemed as if we were in the deep-freeze for nearly 2 months.
   And while it's officially spring, and we have had much milder weather the past few days, it doesn't mean we're out of the woods weather wise just yet. Although there are just 11 days left in March, it can be a brutal month, and April can, and has, also brought snow.
   But at least we're officially, by celestial standards, out of winter.
   Now I just have to decide if I want to switch my tires over from winter to 3-season radials in t he next week or so, or leave them on. Just in case.


Tuesday 12 March 2019

An Enigma

   Got this in the mail the other day, and can't for the life of me figure out who sent it. All I know is it's most likely from Regina from "some crazy co-worker". Which could be a lot of people. I worked there for almost 16 years, and there are still a lot of people there I'm still friends with.
   I think the first image is a beer "coozie", but what the gopher signifies remains a mystery. The full text reads: "Hi Craig. Hope you are doing well out in perogie country. I thought you'd get a laugh out of this postcard. Drop me a line if you figure out who sent this to you! Sincerely, some crazy former co-worker".
   I'm pretty sure it was sent from Regina, because of the postal code stamp S4P. But that's about all. It was not addressed to my home, but rather c/o GX94 here in Yorkton. But again, I'm drawing a complete blank as to who may have sent it. The hand-writing isn't familiar, but is legible enough to rule out a few people I worked with there.
   Hopefully, I can solve this. Either that, or have whoever sent it identify his/her self. It was good for a chuckle, though.


Friday 8 March 2019

It's FINALLY Going To Warm Up

   And not a day too soon, either. It seems I've been wearing the heavy winter parka and ugly ear-flap hat for the better part of 2 months now, but apparently that is going to change. In fact, rolling out of the house this morning it was -12 C, and the forecast for today is a high of -1. That's a huge difference from the -25 C and windchill of -35 yesterday when I got to the office.
   The dome of bitterly cold Arctic air that had gripped most of our region is finally being pushed out, and milder air is flooding in. The weekend will be a little cool, but not brutal, and the forecast for next Tuesday is plus 1!
   Being a natural born sceptic, I admit to having little faith in long-range forecasts, and (much as I hate to say it) I think in the next day or 2 we'll see Tuesday's high drop. Hopefully, I'll be proven wrong, as I have been so many times in the past, since we're well overdue for milder air, if not an early start to spring.
   And maybe, just maybe, March will go  out like a lamb. Maybe.


Friday 1 March 2019

It's Friday, January 60, 2019

   I know, I know. It's actually March 1st, but it sure felt like January this morning. As a habit, I always check the weather before heading in to the office. Especially in winter, so i can decide if I need my light coat, or the big Arctic one, along with my ugly ear-flap hat.
   This morning, it was the big coat and ugly hat. The air temperature was -28 C, and the windchill was -38. We did have some fairly warm-ish days, where the mercury got into the minus teens, but the wind made it feel a lot colder.
   I guess March is coming in like a lion after all. Here's hoping it goes out like a lamb, although that's still a long was off.