Friday 29 December 2017

Happy New Year

   This is my last post for 2017. I'm also off on vacation next week, and won't return until January 8th. Because of that,  wanted to take a moment to wish you all the very best of 2018. I hope the coming year finds you all healthy and happy.
   As for the outgoing year, 2017 was, at least for me, not overly spectacular in either a good or bad way. Nothing stupendous happened, aside from me cutting off my long hair! I don't mean to sound trite, but it was "just another year".
   That's not to say nothing happened. There were plenty of events around the world that caused joy, concern and triggered tears as well.
   What's ahead for us in 2018?  My wife and I will actually take a vacation. With each other, which doesn't happen often enough. We'll be heading to Calgary for a long overdue visit with family, and maybe some old friends.
   Happy New Year everyone!


Friday 22 December 2017

Happy Holidays

   Christmas Day is this coming Monday. I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all the best of the festive season.
   Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous 2018.
   We've just got a very small family gathering planned for Monday, since both my wife and I work Tuesday, Boxing Day.


Thursday 21 December 2017

I Ate Too Much

   But it was so worth it. Yesterday was the annual staff pot-luck lunch, and as you can see, we had a lot of food. My contribution was jambalaya. Last time I made a batch for the lunch was in 2014, but I had more than one request to reprise it this year.
   Our sports guru Benny Walchuk brought in some of his Nana's perogies (one of my favourites), and there was home-made pizza, plenty of salads and 2 chickens in place of the turkey someone usually deep-fry's.
   And the desserts. Home-baked cookies, shortbread and other things too numerous to name.
   Did I eat? Heck, yeah. In fact I (and quite a few others) went for 2nds. Some (not including me) went for 3rds! I did not need supper last night, and I may not have lunch.
   So much for the weight I've lost over the past months/years. Thank goodness Christmas only comes once a year!


Tuesday 19 December 2017

X-Mas Came Early

   And this is what Santa (otherwise known as my wife) brought me. We saw something similar in one of the specialty stores in Regina not long ago, and found out they were actually from an Indonesian import store in Grenfell, about an hour south-ish from where we live in Yorkton.
   Being curious, we trekked down there this past weekend, and saw the item above. It's a piece of teak driftwood, with a hand-blown glass bowl molded on top. The shop, The Village Merchant, had a bunch of other wonderful things aside from that, and the owner is right now on a buying spree in Indonesia. We were told to come back again in March or April when the shipments start arroving. and we will be back then!
   What did I get me wife in return? Two sheep. No, she's not starting a sheep farm or spinning woll. I got them through an international aid organization, Plan Canada, and they go to families in what we would call "poorer" countries. Not for eating. The families can sell the wool and milk for a profit to feed them, and help their village.
   Have a Merry Christmas!


Tuesday 12 December 2017

Man, It's Hot Inside

   I don't know what it is about our heating/cooling plant, but it's been stifling in our office the past few days. The problem is, if you try and adjust the thermostat downward, it turns into the North Pole in no time flat with an adjustment of even a few degrees.
   I've been darn near sweating all morning, and noticed someone had set the temperature at 85, with the cool-down cycle kicking in when it got down to 80.
   I usually find it warm in here at the best of times, but not all the time. I remember not long ago the arctic blast in here was so severe people were wearing jackets. Heck, I was almost at the point of reaching for my gloves, which is not conducive to working on a keyboard for a living. And with a duct right above my head, and our sports guru's head, it generally means the thermostat gets cranked up again when we start losing feeling in our extremities.
   I'll just have to keep making adjustments, trying to find a "happy medium". Hopefully soon, so I can get out of the sweat-box.


Friday 8 December 2017

The Wall Era Is Over

   We've lived in Saskatchewan (off and on) for more than 23 years, the majority (15) in Regina, and 4 in Yorkton. We moved back to the province in 1997, after an 8 year stint in Northern Ontario. During our move, I noticed signs promoting something called the Saskatchewan Party, a new political movement that started just a few months before our return,
   Fast forward a few years to 2004, when a Member of the Legislative Assembly from Swift Current, Brad Wall, became the party's 2nd full-time leader. Fast forward another 3 years, and the then 42 year old forms the first SaskParty majority government. He would go on to be re-elected 2 more times, making him the only party leader in the province to ever form 3 consecutive governments.
   In August, he announced his retirement effective January 27, 2018, and yesterday (Dec 7) attended his final legislative session.
   Like his policies or not, Wall had a tremendous impact. Under the SaskParty banner, the province's population and economy grew, although the economy has taken a hit in the past couple of years. Wall was also tireless in promoting Saskatchewan not only in Canada, but internationally as a destination.
   I was fortunate enough to have had several dealings with him during my 15 years in Regina, not the least of which were Provincial Budgets
   Mr. Wall was always our first guest after the budget came down. He also joined me on a few occasions when I had a call-in talk show there. I found him to be a very affable person, and while there was no doubt he had a political agenda, it never came across during our conversations, unless it was brought up.
   When he announced his retirement, he said he'd be glad going back to just being "Brad from Swift Current", and despite the fact a new leader will be chosen, a part of me will always know him simply as "Mr. Premier".
   Thanks for your 18 years in the Legislature, and your 10 as Premier, Brad.


Wednesday 6 December 2017

Russia Is Out

   Due to past doping infractions, Russia will not be able to send participants to the upcoming Winter Games in South Korea. The IOC made the announcement yesterday. Does that mean all Russian athletes have been banned? No. In a bid to protect “innocent athletes” the door has been left open for Russians to compete as an “Olympic Athlete of Russia”, as long as they satisfy strict conditions that show they have a doping-free background.
   All the ban really means is the athletes won't be able to compete under the Russian flag. Which for them is truly a pity
   There have been accusations fired off at Russia and the former Soviet Union for using performance enhancing drugs, but this is the 1st time the IOC has acted on them.
   Needless to say, reaction from quite a few sport organizations in the country is negative, with Alexei Kurashov, president of the Russian freestyle federation, saying: ”The Olympic movement has discredited itself and there will be fundamental consequences to this".  But just in the past month, the IOC  has banned 20 Russian athletes from the games.
    My 2 cents: It really is sad that the majority of Russian athletes will now not be able to compete due to the actions of a few, and with the approval of their respective organizations. But I also feel the IOC should treat all countries fairly, and look at doping in all nations.