Friday 26 May 2017

Outta Here!

   Yep, I'm going away for the next couple of weeks, and will not be updating this platform. But that's not to say I'll be bored. far from it. in fact, my wife (who has managed to coordinate her time off to go with mine for the first time in years) and I plan on taking a few day trips, starting with tomorrow.
   We're heading to Regina for the Pile 'O Bones Tattoo convention (where I may just get some fresh ink) and, more importantly for her, to garden centres so she can finish buying plants for her garden. Which, as regular viewers may have noticed from previous posts, usually turns out very well.
   We also plan a few more day trips around the area, but no long-range getaway. I had proposed we take a trip to Calgary and area to visit family we haven't seen in years, but she said "no" at this point. She really wants to get going on the garden, and felt that long a trip would cut into those efforts.
   The other aspect is, of course, the cost. Not that we'd be hard-pressed to find a place to stay, but simply the cost of getting out and back. As for anything ever further afield, well; I still haven't won the lottery.
   Still, there are a lot worse places to spend the next 2 weeks off than Home Sweet Home. Other that staying out of my wife's way while she tends to the garden, I think maybe a fishing trip or 2 could be on the radar screen. Or just pottering around the house. And I'm still thinkin' maybe some new ink.
   I'll be back June 12th, but until then:


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