Monday 12 June 2017

Back At It

   It was a wonderful 2 weeks off, but now it's back to work. My wife and I did take a few day trips, one to Regina for the "Pile 'O Bones" tattoo convention, and to get my wife her flowers for this year's garden. The tattoo convention was a bit of a bust, with this caveat: We got there too early. The doors opened at 10:00, and we were there about 10:15. Problem is, most of the shops hadn't set up for the day, so not much to see. My wife, however, did have a successful day getting her plants.
   We also took a second, separate trip just north of the Queen City to a little place called Lumsden, on another garden-related trip. This time, the missus wanted to visit another garden centre where she's had some success finding ornamental decorations for her work. Sadly, this trip did not pan out well for her, and all she managed to find were 2 decorative tiles.
   Our 3rd (and last day trip) was to a Parks Canada National Historic site about an hour southwest of Yorkton. The Motherwell Homestead dates back to the early 1900's, and was quite enjoyable!
   Not as enjoyable was the effort needed to hang up 2 decorative planters I got for my wife last Christmas. Repeated attempts to hang them up failed (due in part of a slight off-set in the holes meant for retaining screws). I tried epoxy which, at first and second, failed. On the 3rd try, I glooped on the glue on one, and it's still holding. The other I hit with Crazy Glue. Now, I've just got to deal with the several holes we drilled into a support column outside the house.
   I mentioned in my last entry I was probably going to get some new ink. I did (but not at Pile 'O Bones). #14 is an American Traditional tattoo, the details of which I will not bore you with.
   Aside from all that, I did a lot of relaxing, and feel recharged. The only downside was each and every morning, I'd wake up at my customary time of 03:45. And stay awake until 06:00. Most mornings, I'd manage to drift off again until about 07:30.
   So now it's back at it until my next (and last) set of holidays in late August.


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