Wednesday 17 May 2017

Been Sick

   And it was a doozie! It takes a lot to knock me out of the game, and it takes even more to keep me down. I started feeling lousy about this time last week and, by Friday it had hit. Big time.
   Not being smart, I decided to "play hurt" last Friday, with barely any voice, and feeling terrible. Saturday, I had no voice at all. Same Sunday. And Monday. And most of yesterday (Tuesday). Since I couldn't make anything other than croaking, raspy noises (not conducive to working in radio), I did the thing I don't like to do and called in sick.
   As of this posting, I still don't feel 100%, but I'm 100% better than I was even yesterday. The voice has started to come back, although again it's not 100%.
   Should I have taken today off? Probably, although time will tell. I had the option, and decided to come in today. All things pass, and so to will this nasty bug I caught. And I know I'll feel better tomorrow, so that's something to look forward to. But DAMN, I hate getting sick.


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