Tuesday 14 March 2017

A Morning Nightmare ***UPDATED***

   And I've still got nerve jitters. I got in to work this morning at my usual time to start my routine. The very first thing I do when I get in, before logging on at my workstation, even before walking into the newsroom, is make coffee.
   Imagine my devastation this morning when I go into the lounge and see a post-it on the coffee maker saying "Do Not Use". Arrggghhhh!!! I'm a morning news guy. I can (sometimes) barely function as it is. I NEED MY COFFEE!!!
   Apparently, this is just a temporary loss of service, as the machine is supposedly being cleaned. Hopefully it'll be back in operational condition by afternoon. I don't know if I can go 2 days without a cup of Joe. And quite frankly, I don't think I want to try.


***Update: As of mid-morning, the machine was back in action, and the coffee flowing.

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