Tuesday 7 March 2017

The Blizzard Of '17

   That was taken from my front window yesterday (Monday, March 6th) afternoon. It's not the best picture, I agree, but it at least shows you what my area was hammered with pretty much all day, and most of today.
   It's a good Olde Fashioned Prairie Blizzard, and it caused a lot of havoc. When the weather is poor, we announce school bus cancellations and school closures on our morning news. Today, that list was almost 2 minutes long, which is about 2/3rds of most of my newscasts.
   I got in to the office this morning...just. My normally short 2 minute drive took me 10 minutes. Getting out of my stall wasn't the issue. It was the roads. I almost got bogged down 5 or 6 times in my little Lancer, but I kept it in 2nd gear, and just gunned it. My main concern was would I be able to get into the parking area in front of our building. The answer to that was a resounding "yes". Heck, just getting into the car was a challenge, due to the drifts that formed around it. They were so deep, they overtopped my big winter Sorels.
   My wife couldn't get to work this morning because the taxi couldn't get up our street. 3 of my co-workers who live outside Yorkton all called in saying they couldn't make it. Luckily, 2 of them they have the technology they need to broadcast from their homes.
   Needless to say, highways and streets are a complete mess, and will likely be so until sometime tomorrow at the earliest, although some city plows have already been out trying to keep the main drags open.
   As for getting home today: I'm not going to even try to get up some of the streets I came down this morning, nor do I have to. GX94's Danny Ismond very kindly offered to give me a lift (and stop off for some much needed supplies). He's even offered to swing by and pick me up tomorrow morning. My car's plugged in at work, so I'm just going to leave it overnight.
   I'm just not looking forward to the shoveling chore I've got ahead of me today.


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