Tuesday 15 November 2016


   Seems everyone's been talking about the "supermoon" this week. Due to it's proximity to Earth, the moon appears to be some 23 to 30% larger and brighter. It certainly is close to us, just over 212 thousand miles away. In fact, it's the closest approach to Earth (if my sources are correct) since 1948. Supposedly, we won't have another "supermoon" like this until 2034 or so.
   And it was a talking point for myself and GX94 Morning Show host Danny Ismond this week. After going through the stats I mentioned above, I told him I thought while it was quite a spectacle, I didn't think it was all that super. Because the moon didn't have an "S" emblazoned on it.
   Danny wasn't about to take that lying down, so he posted his own version, clearly showing not only the "S", but the cape as well.
   I can only attribute the fact Danny's picture shows how "super" the moon was to the fact he's taller than me, and is therefore closer to the moon and able to see it clearer.


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