Tuesday 8 November 2016

America Votes

   It is election day in the States, marking the end of one of the nastiest, and most divisive, campaigns on record. As stated in an earlier post, I'm not commenting on who I think would make the better President, be it either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Nor will I re-hash my thoughts on what the candidates should have focused on, rather than what they did.
   I will say this: As a Canadian, I think the U.S electoral system is completely screwed up. People don't actually vote for the President, they vote for the people who, in turn, elect the President. Not that our parliamentary system is much better, where the party with the most members to get elected, rather than who won the popular vote, forms government. And it's under the leadership of a person party members elect. But the U.S way of doing things is closer to the "one person, one vote" idea of democracy.
   And that had the old memory bells ringing, if only faintly. I recall reading a science fiction short story many, many years ago about the choice for President coming down to one persons vote. I can't for the life of me recall the name of the story, or the author (Isaac Asimov seems to come to mind, though), but the premise was simply this: That the decision rests with one man, who casts the only ballot of the election. Needless to say, the poor soul is beggared by all sides, trying to have him elect their candidate. And that's about where my memory ends. I can't remember how the story ends. If any viewers know who wrote it, or the title, I'd be interested to know.
   Anyway, Happy Election Day America!


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