Wednesday 9 November 2016

America Voted

   And they gave Republican nominee Donald Trump more than the 270 votes needed in the electoral college to secure the Presidency of the United States. To many, Trump's win was startling, since Democrat Hillary Clinton lead polls almost the length of the campaign. Of course, the only poll that matters is the one on election day, and Mr. Trump won that.
   So, what happens now? Trump needs to put together a few teams. One is to oversee the transition from Barack Obama's administration to his. The second, and probably the most important, is for him to pick his cabinet. Trump is seen as a fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants, shoot from the lip guy who ruffled a few of his own party's feathers with some of his statements and proclamations during the campaign. He needs an inner cadre of well heeled advisers to guide him for the next 4 years. And most importantly, Trump himself needs to listen to those advisers, take their counsel and act in a responsible manner.
   And even on a morning where the dust has yet to settle, reaction from the markets has been negative. World stock markets were down overnight, as was the U.S Greenback and Mexican Peso. And while they're congratulating him on his win, world leaders are keeping a wary eye on the "new kid in town" with a reputation of being brash, and even a bully.
   The divisive nature of the campaign is sure to stir up strong emotions on both sides. Here's hoping Mr. Trump is true to his word and starts a national healing process as one of his first acts after his inauguration in January.


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