Wednesday 28 September 2016


   More specifically, that cat. He's a character, to say the least, and his 'reputation' has grown once again. Regular readers will know we're owned by 3 cats, and we try to keep them healthy. As part of that, we have not one, not two, but three litter pans for them to use. My wife cleans them every day, and the litter is changed every 4. Not only that, but we also buy new cat pans every 6 months, since the old ones can get a little smelly, despite being cleaned so often.
   The maker of the non-clumping litter we used to buy is no longer in business, and we've been searching for an alternative. We've used other brands, but the dust from them is considerable. We even tried clumping litter, which did not go over well. They tracked that stuff through the house faster than regular non-clumping, and the stuff almost turns into cement when it gets wet. So, we still had half a box of the clumping in our basement.
   And that's where this little guy comes into play. As mentioned, we have THREE cat pans for their use. So, he decides to do his "business" in the half full, but fully open, box. My wife swears he perched on the arm of a couch we have in the basement, somehow managed to 'aim', and take care of business.
   My belief is that he simply jumped into the open box and used it. We're sure it's him, by the way. Our other male is just too lazy to jump, and our girl has (what my wife calls) "little poo's". Not that him going in the box was a big deal. It was going to get thrown out anyway. But still, it shows how 'inventive' he can be.


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