Thursday 22 September 2016

Fall Has Arrived

   And Autumn officially arrived in Saskatchewan at 08:21 this morning, when the sun crossed the equator. It means equal day and night, at least for one day, before the march toward winter. In my neck of the woods, it also sees the acceleration of fall harvesting operations. And with that, an increase in sneezing by not only myself, but a few co-workers as all the dust and chaff gets into the air. But, luckily, that's a short-lived problem.
   Fall, at least here, seems to start about September 1st, even if the calendar says it arrived today. The "why" is easy enough. It just starts getting cooler. In fact, it's almost like a gigantic switch was thrown about the end of August. Sort of like re-setting the thermostat in your fridge to a colder level.
   Looking out of my office window, I can really see the leaves on trees have really started to change, even though we noticed some yellow and gold a while back. It's just another portent of the change in seasons
   And it will keep getting colder and colder as winter approaches. If stories I've seen (and read on the air) are an indication, it's going to be a brutally cold, snowy one. No El-Nino this year, darn it. As the Stark family in Game of Thrones says "Winter is Coming". In just 3 months, by the calendar, Winter will be here.
   On a positive note, it's just 6 months until the first day of Spring!


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