Monday 19 September 2016


   That was a quick weekend! Left Yorkton just after 06:00 for Saskatoon and the Comic and Entertainment Expo. We got to the venue with just about 10 minutes to spare before it opened at 10:00. And are we glad we pre-purchased our tickets well in advance. It was our 3rd year attending, and the line ups were crazy. It stretched nearly the entire length of Prairieland Park's main exhibit hall. Luckily, it wasn't too chilly or raining, since we were all outdoors.
   Kudo's to the organizers, as they had us through the entry points and into the hall in less than 20 minutes. Once we got in, things progressed quickly enough. We saw all the vendors, trying to find something for one of our sons for Christmas. This year, however, no luck. We did spend a fair bit for my wife, though, as she saw an outfit she wanted. Price-tag be damned, I went ahead and bought it for her. She says it'll be her Christmas present. We'll see about that.
   The only real down-side to the event this year was a lack of Freaks and Geeks (see my post below), Cosplayers and LARPers. Maybe it was because we got there early, and not all those in costume had showed up yet.
   There was this woman, though:
   I have no idea who she was supposed to be, but the make-up was fantastic.
   And, after an overnight stay, it was "back home" Sunday. Now, I've just got to wait for that credit card bill :(


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