Friday 12 August 2016

What A Lovely Shade Of Green!

   Organizers at the Olympic swimming events were scratching their heads over why the normally blue water in the diving pool turned shamrock green. Theories include too much chlorine added to the water, to algae due to hot conditions. Whatever it was, it's sure created a buzz around the world. Even Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall took to social media to comment on it
   He's referring to the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the CFL and their green jerseys, much like the one your humble commentator was pictured wearing while posing recently with the league's Championship trophy, the Grey Cup
   Although I must say the water is a different shade of green. Officials say the water in the pools is safe, although some athletes have complained about their eyes stinging from it.
   And like the old 'Rider song goes (paraphrased and amended here): Green Is The Colour, Swimming (actually Football) Is The Game.
   Have a happy Friday, and a great weekend!


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