Saturday 13 August 2016

A New Season Starts *****UPDATE*****

   And there's a new manager for the Reds as well, in Jose Mourinho, who was hired by United to take over from Louis van Gaal after United has failed to claim the Premiership the past few years. Mourinho was hired from arch-rival Chelsea to turn the Devils fortunes around. United ended up in 5th place last year, although they did win the F.A Cup. Can Mourinho succeed where van Gall failed? That remains to be seen, although I think the shadow of Alec Ferguson, the teams most successful manager of the modern era still looms large at Old Trafford.
   If they don't win the Premiership, I'd at least like to see them in contention for the title this year. We'll find out starting tomorrow, when United hosts Bournemouth to start the campaign.
   C'mon you REDS!!!
   And yes, it IS Saturday, and yes, I'm working.


  *** United did in fact win their Premier League opener over Bournemouth 3-1.***

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