Wednesday 10 August 2016

No More Rain, Please

   An awful lot of people are saying that after we've had an awful lot of rain this summer. I don't have any firm, total accumulations, but in the Yorkton region alone, we must've had a good 8 inches since the start of June. At least.
   The rain has caused more than a few problems, flooding streets and basements, inundating road work sites and even causing damage to storm sewers that can't handle the deluges we've had here. And that's just in the city. In rural areas, the fall harvest has been pushed back at least a week, maybe more. Crops are starting to suffer from the excess moisture, and are taking a long time to ripen.
   There's been severe weather, too. On the long weekend, tornado's touched down near Melville and south of Yorkton. Monday alone, 4 twisters hit parts of Manitoba, destroying one home and damaging several others on one First Nation.
   Personally, we've been very lucky. We did get some water in our basement, but that was simply due to condensation from all the moisture in the air hitting a cold water pipe. So far, nothing has been seeping in through the foundation, or coming up through the sewers. We've also taken some precautions, the most noteworthy was buying extensions for our downspouts to divert water away from the house. And it looks like we'll need them. Our forecast is calling for up to another inch into tomorrow.
   What we really, REALLY need right now is summer. Sunny, warm days with enough wind to help dry things out, and keep the mosquito's down.
   Maybe Sunday. We'll see. Meantime, stay dry everyone!


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