Thursday 4 August 2016


   It is Throwback Thursday, and I'm going back 6 years to our trip to Norway. But first, a little backstory. Due to an aging and failing hard-drive, I recently had to buy a new computer. I thought about simply getting a new hard-drive and doing a file swap, but decided that after 7 or 8 years it was simply time for a new system.
   But that, of course, brings problems as well. Not wanting to take the time for a complete hard drive download from one machine to another (in part to get rid of some older programs, cache files and possible viruses), I simply started fresh, and re-installed the programs I use. But I neglected, until this week, to save the 400 pictures I took back in 2010 during our trip.
   While I was going through them, I came across this one of me on the Fram, which was the ship Roald Amundsen used on his Antarctic voyage.
   I don't know why, but I look awful dour in that pic. Maybe because it was our last full day there, and I wasn't really ready to head home. Whatever the reason was, I'm in full "Grumpy Old Man" mode.
   Fortunately, someone did get a much better picture with me not looking sour
   As for getting the new system up and fully functional, well, lets just say it's a work in progress. and yes, I'd like to return to Norway someday. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.


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