Friday 12 February 2016

Has It Really Been 1/3rd Of A Century?

   33 years ago today, we said our "I do's" on February 12, 1983. It was a very warm day. We didn't need coats, there was no snow, and streets and sidewalks were dry that Saturday in Calgary as we started our journey together.
   I've been so blessed to have Susan as my wife and partner. I'm positive she'll say the same, even though I've given her a pretty rocky road. She's given me 33 years of love, support, encouragement and 2 great sons.
   She has very rarely complained about the many, many moves we've had to make due to my career choice. Some of those moves were voluntary, some forced upon us. She's put up with my shenanigans, although I sometimes wonder "why"?
   She's even served more "time" than convicted murderers do in many parts of the world. Still, she's stuck with and by me through it all.
   What can you say to that, other than "Thank You" and "I Love You". Which I most certainly do.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

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