Monday 29 February 2016

Happy Leap Year!

   It is February 29th, and (as you all know) it's leap year. And you are all likely aware of why we have an extra day on the calendar every 4 years. It's to do with the Earth's rotation, which is not exactly 24  hours long. Leap Year basically synchronizes the calendar year with the astronomical year.
   It's also (naturally) the harbinger of March, which, in these parts, looks like it'll come in like a Lion. Not so much snow, but bitter cold and high windchills. Early this morning, the windchill was -37 C, and it'll probably be near that again overnight tonight. It is expected to warm up though as the week progresses.
   As for March going out like a Lamb: Based on what we've had the past few years, if I was a betting man (which I'm not), I'd say March will more than likely go out like a Lion as well.
   Enjoy the extra day this year!


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