Thursday 25 February 2016

A Morning From Hell 2.0

   It was not a pleasant morning, for sure. It was nowhere nearly as bad as the morning I had in late January, where our internet connection was down, rendering our systems pretty much inoperative (see A Morning From Hell, posted January 28). But it was bad enough.
   The 'issue' today was a report that was supposedly left from a hockey game we broadcast last night. Without getting into the technical aspects (which I admit I have no real idea about), suffice it to say a problem with one of our programs meant the report was actually recorded on a different program, in a different area of the station. One I cannot access at my terminal.
   After some hectic scrambling around, we managed to get a fix by working with and through our sister FM station, and the report aired when it should have.
   Adding to my woes this morning was a frantic email from our sister station in Regina seeking my help in sending them material. Unlike January 28th, they had email, so I forwarded what I could to them.
   I'm glad this is Thursday.


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