Monday 29 February 2016

Happy Leap Year!

   It is February 29th, and (as you all know) it's leap year. And you are all likely aware of why we have an extra day on the calendar every 4 years. It's to do with the Earth's rotation, which is not exactly 24  hours long. Leap Year basically synchronizes the calendar year with the astronomical year.
   It's also (naturally) the harbinger of March, which, in these parts, looks like it'll come in like a Lion. Not so much snow, but bitter cold and high windchills. Early this morning, the windchill was -37 C, and it'll probably be near that again overnight tonight. It is expected to warm up though as the week progresses.
   As for March going out like a Lamb: Based on what we've had the past few years, if I was a betting man (which I'm not), I'd say March will more than likely go out like a Lion as well.
   Enjoy the extra day this year!


Thursday 25 February 2016

A Morning From Hell 2.0

   It was not a pleasant morning, for sure. It was nowhere nearly as bad as the morning I had in late January, where our internet connection was down, rendering our systems pretty much inoperative (see A Morning From Hell, posted January 28). But it was bad enough.
   The 'issue' today was a report that was supposedly left from a hockey game we broadcast last night. Without getting into the technical aspects (which I admit I have no real idea about), suffice it to say a problem with one of our programs meant the report was actually recorded on a different program, in a different area of the station. One I cannot access at my terminal.
   After some hectic scrambling around, we managed to get a fix by working with and through our sister FM station, and the report aired when it should have.
   Adding to my woes this morning was a frantic email from our sister station in Regina seeking my help in sending them material. Unlike January 28th, they had email, so I forwarded what I could to them.
   I'm glad this is Thursday.


Tuesday 23 February 2016

Be Careful What You Post Online *****UPDATED*****

(Photo from Tim Hortons)

   A woman from Newfoundland found out the hard way that it's not always a good idea to post everything on-line. She won $100.00 on a "Rrroll Up The Rim To Win" cup from Tim Hortons, and posted a picture on facebook.
   One of her 900 "friends" spotted the security number on the cup, swooped in and claimed the C-note ahead of her.
   Apparently, she didn't know a winners form for the gift card award could be claimed on-line, which a Tim's official told her would be the easiest way to collect the prize. When she logged on to the company's website to do that, she learned the 100 bucks had already been picked up. Tim's also told her they wouldn't release the winner's e-mail address for security reasons.
   She says it all happened in the space of half an hour.
   The moral of the story is: Don't post winning security codes on-line.


***Update: The woman in question claims Tim Hortons will honour her winning, and will ex[press deliver it to her. Tim's has not confirmed this as yet.***

Friday 19 February 2016

Because They Can?

   Gas prices have been relatively low in Saskatchewan, and here in Yorkton, for a few weeks now. But that's starting to change. Just recently, the price at the pump in quite a few places has jumped as much as 14 cents a litre in some markets.
   Why? Supposedly for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is a slight increase in the price of crude recently.
   And that brings me to the question I have. When oil prices drop, the price at the pump doesn't fall immediately. That's because (from what I've been told) refineries have to get all the more expensive crude through their systems. So, why is it that when the price of oil goes up, gas prices go up almost the same day? What happened to the lower priced crude in the refinery system? Logic would dictate we wouldn't see an  increase until that's gone through, wouldn't it?
   So why the rapid boost at the pump? Oh, yeah. "Because They Can".


Thursday 18 February 2016

The Horns Of A Dilemma

   And it surrounds an Apple iPhone. More specifically, one owned by one of the attackers who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California last year before they were killed by law enforcement. As part of their investigation, the FBI has gone to the U.S Federal court asking that Apple be ordered to turn over a code to break the encryption on the phone. Apple has said "no", and vows to fight against such a move.
   And here's the dilemma. Does the right to privacy supercede that of national security? The phone in question has a code which, if the correct access password isn't given in 10 tries, all information is erased. It's that the FBI wants Apple to basically hack, allowing them access to anything stored on the phone. Quite a moral challenge.
   From an outsiders perspective, I feel there are certain circumstances where privacy plays 2nd fiddle to security, and this is one of them. I'm not suggesting the FBI, CIA, RCMP, C-SIS or any law enforcement organization be allowed carte blanche to access peoples phones, whether they're alive or not. But if hacking into one prevents another attack, or leads investigators to a terrorist cell, then perhaps such a move is justified. At least in my opinion.


Tuesday 16 February 2016

Not A Great Weekend (Somewhat Tongue In Cheek)

   It wasn't. Many parts of Canada, including Saskatchewan, celebrated "Family Day" yesterday. Why? Well, if memory serves (and it usually doesn't) the February holiday was added to break up the monotony of winter, since it can be a long haul between New Years Day and Easter.
   Normally, it would be a great weekend, but not this year. My poor wife has a terrible cold, so I had to help her out around the house. Not that I don't try to already, but I did get the laundry done for her, in addition to cooking and (a little) cleaning.
   It was also "free fishing weekend" in Saskatchewan, one of 2 held every year, with the 2nd one in the summer. That means anyone who wants to try angling can do so without a license on most waterways in the province.
   I used to do quite a bit of ice fishing many decades ago, and quite enjoyed it, even at -25 C. I had been thinking about grabbing the rod and heading out to one of the lakes. But then I remembered other times in the past when I went "ice-fishing", only to have this happen to my "catch" when I got it home and tried to cook it:
Cue the agonized groans.


Friday 12 February 2016

Has It Really Been 1/3rd Of A Century?

   33 years ago today, we said our "I do's" on February 12, 1983. It was a very warm day. We didn't need coats, there was no snow, and streets and sidewalks were dry that Saturday in Calgary as we started our journey together.
   I've been so blessed to have Susan as my wife and partner. I'm positive she'll say the same, even though I've given her a pretty rocky road. She's given me 33 years of love, support, encouragement and 2 great sons.
   She has very rarely complained about the many, many moves we've had to make due to my career choice. Some of those moves were voluntary, some forced upon us. She's put up with my shenanigans, although I sometimes wonder "why"?
   She's even served more "time" than convicted murderers do in many parts of the world. Still, she's stuck with and by me through it all.
   What can you say to that, other than "Thank You" and "I Love You". Which I most certainly do.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Happy Shrove, Or Fat, Tuesday

   It is pancake Tuesday, as Lent gets underway tomorrow, and Mardi Gras ends. And I've got to give a huge shout out to the morning crew at our sister station, Fox FM. Morning news guru Craig Read
   Went out in search of pancakes this morning, stopping in at a local Mc 'Ds. Not only did he simply stop by, he played "When The Saints Go Marching In" on his trumpet when he walked through the front door.
   And to top it all off, he brought back enough food for the rest of us as well.
   Thanks again Reader, Will Alexander and all at Fox FM for breakfast.
   Happy Shrove (or Fat) Tuesday!


Monday 8 February 2016

Bronco's Win!!

    The Denver Bronco's are the NFL champions, as they beat the Carolina Panthers 24-10 in Super Bowl 50. It's the Bronc's 3rd title, and 1st Vince Lombardi trophy since 1999. I did not watch the game (see my blog entry below this one), but people I've spoken with say it wasn't much of a game to see.
   As for the half-time show: Again, I've got to rely on people I know who actually watched. It's a mixed bag of  "yeah it was great" to "meh".
   As for the ads (which is what a lot of people tune in for), I have yet to see any. I might check them out on-line sometime in the future.
   Anyway, congrats once again to the Denver Bronco's, 2016 Super Bowl Champions!


Friday 5 February 2016

It's Superbowl Weekend

   The 50th edition of the NFL championship game is Sunday between the Carolina Panthers:
   And Denver Bronco's
   Who will be playing for the Vince Lombardi trophy at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California. An awful lot of people I know will be watching Sunday. I won't. And there are a few reasons why. The biggest one is I'm not a big fan of "American Football", with their shorter, narrower fields and 4 downs, rather than 3. Not that I hate NFL football, far from it. I have been known to watch a game or 2 (or more) in the past. But since "my" team's not in it, I don't really care. It's rather like the Grey Cup in the CFL. I didn't watch last year's finale, because "my" team wasn't in it.
   Another reason is simply that the title game itself is usually not the best quality football you'll see. Neither team want's to make that one mistake which could cost them the title. Not that the play outright sucks, it's just (from my limited perspective) not the best.
   A 3rd reason is the half-time show. I don't like Beyonce's music. Nor do I like Bruno Mars or Coldplay for that matter. The reason can be boiled down to one factor. Me. I'm getting to be an "old fart". I like the music I grew up with, and it ain't Beyonce, Bruno Mars or Coldplay.
   But the biggest reason I won't be watching is one of the reasons a lot of people do. The ad's. We in Canada don't get the U.S commercials. At least not until next year, when the CRTC will actually allow American commercials to be shown, rather than subbing in Canadian ones. For a whole lot of people, it's the ads they tune in for.
   I guess I'll just have to watch them on YouTube.
   As for the 50th Super Bowl: Go team go!


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Is Winter Over Or Not?

   I guess it all depends on which groundhogs forecast you favour. 2 of the "big 3", Nova Scotia's Schubenacadie Sam and Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil did not see their shadows this morning, which portends an early end to winter. However, Ontario's Wiarton Willy DID see his shadow, meaning another 6 weeks of winter.
   This year's Groundhog Day festivities have already been marred by the death of Canada's westerly prognosticator, Winnipeg Willow. Groundhog Day celebrations have been cancelled in Manitoba due out of respect for Willow, who died last Friday. That just leaves Balzac Billy in Alberta as the lone hold-out. But he may not count, since he's portrayed by a man wearing a groundhog suit.
   Which brings me to kind of a sore spot. Quite a few years ago when I was in Regina, I pitched the idea of having the mascot for the Saskatchewan Roughriders, Gainer the Gopher:
   Run onto the 55 yard line at Mosaic Stadium on Groundhog Day to get his forecast for the coming football season, and whether the team would have a wining season or not (depending on if he saw his shadow). The occasion could also be used to pump ticket sales for the club, not that it's really needed, or simply to get fans in the mood.
   Nothing ever came out of it, but I still think it's a good idea.
   Either way, it really doesn't matter if the groundhogs (or Gainer) sees their shadow or not. According to the calendar, there's still about 6 weeks to go until the vernal equinox which will be Sunday, March 19th at 10:30 p.m in Yorkton.


Monday 1 February 2016

Goodbye January, Hello February

   Hard as it is to believe, we are in February. January seemed, for a change, to slide right by. Normally, the month seems to drag on interminably. I don't know if the overly mild weather we had last month was a factor, but it sure helped. Last week, we had temperatures well above freezing, and considerably well above normal.
   But, that was last month. February can be just as brutal, or even more so, than January. And since we have an extra day this Leap Year, February will be longer than normal.
   In fact, according to legend, February was a lot longer than it is now. Until 2 Roman emperors, Caesar's Julius and Augustus, got finished with it. It seems Julius wasn't happy that "his" month (July) was shorter than others, so he "borrowed" a day or so from February. Not to be outdone, Augustus figured he'd take a day or so for "his" month (August). But again, that's according to legend.
   And tomorrow is also Groundhog Day, where prognosticating rodents are unceremoniously yanked from their dens to see if we get an early spring, or 6 more weeks of winter. We'll find out tomorrow if Punxsutawney Phil, Shubenacadie Sam, Wiarton Willie and Balzac Billy can agree. Tragically, Winnipeg's "Willow" won't be able to give us his/her forecast. Willow passed away just a few days ago.
   Personally, I'm hoping for an early spring. But all will be revealed tomorrow!