Thursday 28 January 2016

A Morning From Hell

   It's really amazing how we've come to rely on that little coaxial cable. You know, the one that connects us to the world? And it's really amazing just how much we rely on it when it's used heavily at work. In fact, in my business, not much can be done without that connection, since our company email and our newsroom software program is tied to the internet.
   So imagine my surprise when I got in at my usual time of 04:00 to be greeted by our overnight announcer, who told me all our internet based stuff was dead. No internet=no email and/or newsroom. So, I called our tech guru at 04:30, but since he lives out of town, it takes him half an hour to get in.
   What to do? I called our sister station in Regina (the one I used to be news director at) to see if they could send me an old-fashioned fax. They couldn't, because the fax machine that used to be in the newsroom was removed.
   Fortunately, I have maintained a very good relationship with a radio station in Saskatoon, and asked them if they could fax some stuff to us. Which (thankfully) they did. Fortunately as well, I'm from the "old school", and can "rip 'n read" news, which I did at 06:00.
   Meantime, our tech guru was working his magic, and managed to have our entire system restored before 6:30, aside from one or 2 minor glitches, and things were as close to normal as makes no difference.
   But it shows how we really rely on that little coaxial cable, and how much we miss it when somehow the cord is cut.
   At least it's not Monday!


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