Tuesday 4 March 2014

This Is A Little Worrying

   That's a microscopic image of a virus, and what's worrying is the fact that a 30 thousand year old one was not only found in permafrost in Siberia, but has been revived by scientists. Not the one pictured, by the way.
   The one they found, and revived, is, in terms of virus size, gigantic, and completely harmless to humans. But it does point out a rather dire scenario for the future. If global warming is a fact (something an awful lot of people in North America need convincing of after this winter), what's to stop some other nasty little beast from thawing out, reviving and infecting us? Possibly from mining and other mineral exploration as well?
   Already, there are some fears about a re-animated smallpox virus, or another bug thought long gone and defeated. The chances of this actually happening? Well, some scientists say the risk that it could happen has to be viewed realistically.
   Time to get ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?


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