Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Mystery Of Malaysia Air Flight MH 370

   Who doesn't know about this mystery. A Boeing 7-77 with 239 people on board takes off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia more than a week ago bound for Beijing China and disappears. Vanishes from radar, no flight data information from transponders on the aircraft. Nothing. No wreckage has been found yet. Not even an oil slick.
   And, of course, the speculation about why the plane went missing has been rampant. Several reports suggest a hijacking. Others suggest one or both of the pilots intentionally crashed the plane. Still others say the flight turned back with the communication system disabled.
   But there was one very compelling scenario put forward by a pilot with 20 years flying Class-1 multi-engine planes. He believes Flight 370 suffered a fire of some kind (likely electrical) which lead the pilot to do what he was trained to do. Find the nearest airport and land. The author goes on to say the left turn the plane made would have taken them to a safe haven airport. He also says if it was an electrical fire, the crew may have been forced to pull fuses on the data transmitters to try and stop it, and that smoke from such an event could have eventually incapacitated them. He goes on to say the plane would have carried on until fuel ran out.
   An interesting theory, and certainly believable.
   The truth may come out eventually, if they ever find the plane.


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