Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Crisis In Ukraine

   There is, without any shadow of doubt, a crisis in the eastern European nation. We know already that quite a few lives have been lost in the capital of Kyiv, following weeks of protests. It's over whether Ukraine should develop closer ties with the European Union or Russia. Ousted president Viktor Yanukovych favors closer ties with Moscow, while opposition leaders, and a lot of protesters, would prefer going to the E.U.
   Yanukovych fled the country, and is now in Russia, a country that sent troops into the Crimean region, and seized a ferry terminal, with the explanation of protecting Russian citizens in the Crimean region.
   Russia's president still believes Yanukovych is the rightful leader. Vladimir Putin is also accusing the West of encouraging an anti-constitutional coup in Ukraine, and warns any sanctions the West imposes on Russia for its military flex in Crimea will backfire.
   The West, including the United Nations, is considering sanctions, but not military intervention, in a crisis that (to me) hasn't been as big, nor as dangerous yet, as the October crisis in 1962. Or the Cold War itself for that matter.
   The big question now is: Who will 'blink' first? Russia or the West?


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