Wednesday 12 March 2014

Mission Concluded

   The Canadian Flag was ceremoniously lowered today in Kabul, Afghanistan marking the end of our military operation in the war torn nation. It was a low-key event held under heavy security, marking the end of more than 12 years of military involvement there.
   Commando's hunting for Osama bin-Laden were the first troops on the ground, arriving in late 2001. After that, 40 thousand military personnel rotated through different campaigns. That included our 5 year combat mission in Kandahar.
   The mission came with a cost. 158 members of the Canadian military were killed there, as was a diplomat, one journalist and 2 civilian contractors.
   The end of the military mission doesn't mean the end of Canada's involvement. Our ambassador there says the country will remain engaged in Afghanistan and the focus will be on helping build the ruined nation's economy, particularly in the resource sector.


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