Tuesday 25 March 2014

Ramping Up The Rhetoric Part 2

   I was amused to say the least by the comments flying between two of Canada's provincial Premiers recently.
   This past weekend, separatist Parti Quebecois premier Pauline Marois:
     Called Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall a "weasel" always trying to trip her up, in comments tweeted by a Quebec journalist.
   Saskatchewan's premier
  Laughed the whole thing off, then told reporters in French (after consulting French translating app), that he only tries to trip up the opposition in Saskatchewan.
   I find it amusing that in the latest public opinion poll on popularity, the premier of Quebec was languishing in the middle of the pack, while Wall remains the most popular in Canada.
   I also was amused by Wall saying he has no ill will towards his Quebec counterpart and looks forward to working with her at an upcoming premiers get-together, depending on what Quebec people say about it, as they get set to go to the polls early next month.
   Wall also added he'll work with all the premiers, including Marois. If she's re-elected. Polls show it's likely the P.Q will form government again.


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