Friday 28 February 2020

More Mundane Maundering

   As mentioned, we trekked to Regina recently, and stopped in at a home lighting shop looking to get some new ceiling fixtures to replace the builders specials installed when our place went up. This week, we had them installed, and no, I won't bore you with pictures.
   One of the issues I had the electrician address was changing light bulbs in a  fixture in our stairwell. One I could not change.I have a step ladder, and while not a fan of heights, I would've changed it myself. Except for one big issue
   The fixture in question was a good 20 feet off the ground. In the middle of the stairwell. It's a little hard to see in this picture, admittedly, but there was no way I was going to reach it and change the bulbs, which had burned out about 5 years ago.
   However, with the help of a very tall extension ladder, it got done, and there's now light in the stairwell again.
   Until these burn out.


Monday 24 February 2020

Been A Bit Boring Lately

   Hence, the lack of any posts. The past week has been mundane. Got over the cold I had last week. Took the car through the car-wash yesterday. Going to the eye doctor this week. Getting our new light fixtures installed today. Like I said, boring.
   And there's not much on the horizon, either. Mid to late February blahs, I guess.


Friday 14 February 2020

A Long Weekend Ahead.....And I'm Sick

    This is "Family Day" weekend in Saskatchewan and several other provinces,and mid-February was chosen (if memory serves) because it's a long stretch between New Years Day and Easter, and we need a break from winter. Not that I'm complaining, since I've got it off.
   But it's all been tinged somewhat by the  cold I've caught. It started Wednesday night with sneezing and coughing, followed by a runny nose that could give Niagra Falls a run for it's money. Thursday brought sinus congestion, more sneezing and nose-running. And  the aches started that evening. This morning (Friday) I came in to work with a sore throat plus all the rest, so it's not been a stellar day, by any means.
   But it is a long weekend, meaning I've got 3 days, not just 2, to try and kick this bug.
   And it raises a question as well. Which is worse? A summer cold or a winter one?


Monday 10 February 2020

A Successful,If Expensive, Weekend

   The weather co-operated, and we made it to Regina, and the specialty shops my wife likes to get into. Unlike a couple  of weeks ago, when we got freezing rain 45 minutes into the trip and had to turn back.
   In addition to her specialty shops, me hit a lighting store where we'd seen a very interesting fixture we were looking at for over the dining table. My wife saw it a few years ago, but hummed and hawed about buying it. She left it too late. The fixture we were after had long since gone out of production. Undeterred, we still looked through the shop, and came away with an alternative we could both agree on. Plus, a new fixture over the island in the kitchen.
   The current one, and the one over our table, are "builders grade", meaning they're cheap and nasty. Over the island, were putting a 4-pot LED adjustable fixture which we can aim better, giving more light to that workspace. Now, I've got to call an electrician to have them install them.
   All in all, a good weekend, capped by a visit from our son, who came up from Regina for supper Sunday.


Friday 7 February 2020

Trying Again

   2 weeks ago, my wife and I tried heading to Regina so she could get in to a few specialty stores we simply don't have here in Yorkton. The trip was not successful (see NOT A Good Weekend from January 27). We're going to try again tomorrow, and this time, the weather actually looks not too bad! Forecast calls for a partly sunny sky, no wind, and -9.
   We could get a few flurries today and tonight, but I'll check the highway hotline before we head out. I hope it's good, because I think we both need to "get out of town", even if it's just for a few hours.


Saturday 1 February 2020

A New Month

   It's one of the rare Saturday's I'm tapped to work, hence today's blog. It is the start of February, and it's supposed to be very mild for this time of year, with highs today and tomorrow of 4 Celsius. Which I'm not a fan of. There's been a lot of melting going on since the warm weather started last week, which means lots of slush on the road. Which  freezes into a monolithic block of ice at night. I'd be happier to have it around -10 for a daytime high.
   Tomorrow is groundhog day, when several of the furry critters are dragged from their den to see if we get 6 more weeks of weather, or an early spring. In my part of the world, it's a moot point anyway. Spring 2020 won't arrive on the calendar until March 20th, and we've historically had some lousy weather between groundhog day and then
   Lastly, did it seem like January zipped by? It sure did to me. Which is kind of odd, because the month (although it is no longer than any other) usually seems to crawl by at a snail's pace. Not that I'm complaining.