Monday 21 October 2019

Election Day

   Canadians are going to the polls today to elect a new government. I'm not going to delve deeply into the campaign, or the various scenarios that could result once the votes are counted Plenty of political pundits are already predicting a minority government by the Liberals or Conservatives. But again, I'm not going to get into it all.
   I will tell you that my wife and I cast our ballots October 12th in the advance poll, simply to have it done, and avoid potential long line-ups today. Who did I vote for? Even if Elections Canada rules allowed me to say, I wouldn't. We'll find out soon enough, anyway.
   I will say "Thank You" to all the candidates in all the political parties who let their names stand. It shows a passion for this country, and for what each believes in, regardless of political stripe.
   I'll have more tomorrow, after the votes have been counted.


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