Monday 28 October 2019

R.I.P Little Buddy

   We had to say "goodbye" to this little fur-baby last Friday. "Kel", as we called him, was with us 12 years, 10 months and 9 days. Yes,I counted. He'd been losing a lot of weight, and had some kind of gastric problem for the past few months. The decision was made last Thursday, after he tried, unsuccessfully, to pass something, which was causing him a great deal of discomfort. He was at least 16, possibly 17, years old.
   We got him, and another male cat "Aslan (who passed in April last year) December 16, 2006 from the Humane Society ion Regina. Unlike all the other kitties up for adoption, he didn't meow. Nor did he reach through his cage to paw at passersby. He just sat there. But there was something about him that made me say "I'll take that one", along with Aslan. It was a great choice.
   After getting them home, we settled in to get to know each other. He immediately leapt onto the left side of my chest and perched there. It was hos favourite spot, right up to the end.
   He was at times annoying, aggravating and infuriating. He was always looking for the high ground, or, as we called it, "up". In one of the places we lived, he got "up" into the false ceiling of a basement bedroom by climbing up the outside of the furnace ducts. In our home in Regina he somehow managed to find his way to the bathroom window by leaping atop the glass shower surround, onto the shower head, then the window. We still don't know how he managed.
   Despite the shenanigans, down deep he was a very loving cat. Anyone who says cats, or any animal, isn't capable of love hasn't been owned by one. And he wasn't "just a cat", he was a member of the family. At least we gave him a good home for nearly 13 years.
   RIP Little Buddy.


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