Thursday 28 June 2018

Too Much Time On My Hands

   One of the pleasures about getting into the office at 04:00 and leaving at noon is having the afternoon to myself. I can potter around the kitchen, cut the lawn (or shovel the sidewalk in winter), or just relax for a bit. But no nap. If I have a nap, I usually can't sleep at night, throwing my whole schedule out of whack. Yesterday, I chose to relax.
   A bit of an aside here, but it's necessary, so please be patient. For my major new casts, I try and find a funny or lighter side story to end the package with. We call them "kickers", and yesterday, I had a doozie! Apparently, there's a group "recruiting" for a new "country". Asgardia, founded in Austria, is looking to have people sign up to become citizens of the world's first Space Nation. They promise to colonize the moon, and want 150 million people to sign up, and set up "space arks" where people can permanently live in outer space.
   And that's where relaxing turned into having way too much time on my hands. I signed up:
   No, I did not use my real name, but since Asgardia was named after Asgard, a world in the sky in ancient Norse mythology, so I figured my Asgardian name should reflect that. Aegir was the Norse god of the oceans, and Heimdall was the god that watched the bridge leading to Asgard. Asgardia has it's own flag, coat of arms and national anthem.
   I think I need a new hobby. Or at least do something more productive to fill that idle time.


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