Tuesday 5 June 2018


   And it was a great 2 weeks away. I didn't even mind the long 10 hour drive between Yorkton and Calgary each way. As mentioned in my post below, we caught up with family and friends and generally had a good time. Traffic wasn't even that bad leaving on the Saturday morning of the May long weekend. In fact, I never saw 1 RCMP car the entire trip out.
   One thing I am glad I bought was a portable GPS for the car. I would've been completely lost within minutes of hitting Calgary city limits, not to mention heading out for visits. My old neighbourhoods I could have navigated around, but after 32 years of not living there, anything else would have been a nightmare.
   We also did a quick run to Regina days after we got back from the big trip so my wife could hit her favourite greenhouses and get her plants for the season.
   Next up, trip-wise, is the annual trek to Regina for the annual Secret Garden's Tour in July. Meantime, it's good to be "back in the saddle" again, and back at work.


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