Monday 9 July 2018

A Rough Week

   I haven't posted anything for a while, and there's a good reason. I was off all last week sick. I started getting a sore throat back on June 29th, but felt fine on the Saturday. Sunday, it hit again, and Monday it was all I could do to even swallow.
   So last Tuesday, (Monday July 1st was a holiday) I trekked to my local walk-in clinic, got diagnosed with strep throat, was handed 2 prescriptions and went on my merry way.
   Until Thursday:
   I did that walking to the car to get some much needed food for the house. And somehow got a foot wrong while stepping from the sidewalk to the grass. I went down. Hard. Hurt both wrists, and also banged my noggin. There was no sign of concussion, so I went about what I was doing. Until Friday.
   I decided I'd better get checked out after my spill, and went to the ER at our local hospital. X-rays confirmed a fracture in my left wrist, but surprisingly just tissue damage in the right. I honestly thought I'd broken that one too. The upshot is I'll be in a half-cast for the next 3 weeks or so while I heal.
   I do have to give a thumbs up to the doctor who tended to me, though:
   He walked into the exam room, and tried to fist-bump me. Funny stuff, doc. 'Course, I got him back by asking if I'd be able to play guitar better after I heal. He said "yes", although he would've done a re-think if he actually heard me play.


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