Monday 18 June 2018

Night Retreats

   Just over a year ago (April 28/17 to be exact..It's Getting Light Earlier) I blogged about the change of seasons, and the fact that, yes, it was getting lighter earlier. I mentioned in that blog about living in part of the world where you could still see the "line of darkness" between day and night.
   It's not easy to see, probably because I was a few minutes too late taking it, but this picture shows that. True, it's very near the horizon, but there is a definite line between the retreat of night, and the advance of day. Again, I took the picture a little too late, and with a crappy cell phone camera.
   But it points out once more the fact that I'm fortunate enough to live in part of the world where light pollution doesn't spoil such events, even though they do happened each and every day.


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