Monday 6 November 2017

A Time Change Oops!!

   This past weekend was "time change weekend" in most parts of the world, when clocks are set back an hour from Daylight to Standard time. Except in Saskatchewan, where we don't touch our clocks. And that's fine, since I always hated the twice yearly adjustment. But even though we're on the same time year round, the change can, and this morning did, play a little havoc.
   The weather service we subscribe to is in a different time-zone than we are, meaning they set their clocks back an hour. Which I was aware of. But I'm also used to seeing the forecast from them in my email in-box when I get in the door at 04:00. So, imagine my chagrin when the clock started getting close to 05:00, and nothing had come in (even though we don't actually need the forecast until 05:30, when both stations morning shows hit the air). So, a quick email to our service, gently reminding them of the change, which brought about (and very rightly so) a mild rebuke, and a reminder they have other clients as well, and they get it out as soon as possible.
   Lesson learned.


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